Logo of Emotify Events, a calendar and thumbs up emoji combined

Emotify Events

Google Calendar add-on that lets you automatically emotify you Calendar events.

Privacy Policy

Who are we

Jeroen Van den Berghe
Nieuwstraat 77, 9450 Denderhoutem

Other contacts you can find on my homepage.

What data are we requesting

We request access to all events and event data from calendars you own. This will be your default calendar and any other calendars you created. This data is requested during the time you use the add-on and also, when you installed our trigger, when you add/update/delete an event to a calendar you own.

We also write and read back the rules you create to emotify events. This data is stored in your Google User Properties of the add-on.

Why are we requesting this data

We must match the event data and the rules you created to determine

To emotify these events we will change the title of the event by prefixing it with the emoji or text you configured in the rule. The remainder of the title will stay the same.

What data are we storing

We store your configuration rules (which events to emotify and how) in your Google User Properties of the add-on. This data does not leave your properties to other 3rd party data stores.

What data are we sharing

We do not share any data with 3rd parties. We do not use analytics services.